
When I did this shoot with Nadine and Rashad last month, I would’ve never thought that it would get this much attention. I remember being so frustrated about editing this shoot because I didn’t know what I wanted the pictures to look like. However, the day I dropped I received so much love and praise from all of my followers on Instagram and Twitter, some were even saying this was their favorite shoot. The hype eventually died down until 2 days ago. An Instagram account (@blackartistspace) reposted one picture from the shoot and it went viral generating over 3.1k likes. Next thing I know Rashad, dm’d me a picture of my work on Facebook. I checked Facebook and the post received over 2k likes and 5k shares. I got in contact with the guy who posted it and he’s a writer from California. He has an idea of basing a series off of this shoot and has even started a GOFUNDME to gain funding. Never would I have thought that my work would inspire someone to write a possible show off of it. I'm really excited to see where this project goes.More information about the series pitch and GOFUNDME below (please support):

Rashad’s Instagram: @rashadmaalik

Nadine’s Instagram: @nadineahbean
